I've got 130 pix from New Orleans, so I'm going to put the balance of them up on Flickr later. For now, here are some of the highlights.
First up, Mary after enough cocktails to justify the purchase of that silly hat (as in, "OOOOHHHH!!! I've just GOT to have THAT hat!!!!". She didn't think it was nearly as keen the next morning.), along with a guy that I think was painting himself up to be some facsimilie of the Heisman. He was hammered, and getting money and free drinks. We saw him everywhere.

Me and Rob at one of Emeril's joints. We had to go there by cab, and it was quite far from the Quarter.

This t-shirt says it all.

You can see that this is before the end of the first quarter. We're smiling. These are from our seats.

So those are some of the highlights - more to come on Flikr later. Wonderful time had by all, except for, you know, that whole losing thing. The sweatervest will come back, and they'll win a title again one of these years.