All, sorry - I know I owe this week's post. It's been a hectic week. Mary spent some time in lovely New Jersey, and I spent the week on the Butler County Grand Jury. Eight hours a day hearing about all the crime going on in my county that I was completely unaware of.
Very interesting and very scary. All's I have to say about that is this:
Seriously. Drugs, drugs, drugs and drugs. That was what 99% of the 60+ cases we heard had to do with.
BTW - if you've not found it - search out bablefish - it'll make the next couple of posts in German a bit easier. Fur dem nongersprechen.
First up, Herr Colin and meine leg: He loves going shirtless
Here he is askin' for a ' cycle'. Mary bought these little tiny popcycles that are his size. Only problem - he can eat seven or eight of them and still ask for more. They clearly should have had a drop or eight of Jagermeister, no?
And here he is with some lotion on his face - it makes the blemishes go away in the morning, honest. Sad thing is he has to look like a mad dog for 12 hours a day.
More Reds love, face-junk and popsicle juice, above:
A bit of video of Colin and Ruby in a pillow fight to send you off:
Ein Pfosten für meine Schwester Emma. Waldland war Ihre Schule. Bruder Colin geht dort eines Tages. Freude. Das Hemd ist für Ihren Nutzen - Sie gingen einmal zu dieser Schule! Genießen Sie, Frau Emma - wir lieben Sie.
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