Thursday, August 27, 2009

Focus don't mean nothin' to Herr Colin

It's been a bit of a slow week 'round the house. We're waitin' for the Bucks to kick off and the 'Canes to drop the puck. Sadly, the Reds haven't given us a reason to hope since May.

Here's a few pix to tide everyone over 'til Sept 5 when the Bucks kick off against Navy. First up - Colin defying focus:
Mommy didn't want these pix posted, but let's face it - she's wearin' matching Canes hat and sweater, and Colin is representin' the Descendents. Does it get better than that?
Answer: NEIN.
Here begins the record of Herr Colin enjoyin' Thursday (sans CFA football or NHL hockey) with Lightening McQueen in hand:
Again, who needs focus?
This pic is post-tickling:
BTW - that is a Bam-Bam t-shirt he's wearing. The most appropriate garment the kid has ever had:
Here's some video of Herr Colin reading Green Eggs and Ham to tide everyone over:


Stay classy - thanks for stopping by!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Emma the taxpayer

Here's Ms. Emma working the coveted drive-thru:
She's officially become a taxpayer! Hats off to her!

Kudos, kiddo.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

21 Days

If that doesn't get the blood pumping, nothing will.

21 days 'til Navy visits the Shoe . . .


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's like 'Frampton Comes Alive', but BETTER!

Here's a bunch of recently taken pix for those folks that don't know the Stones output from the mid to late '70's.
"I will come to your Emotional Rescue"
And then, here's Jon - sportin' the Rhinestone Cowboy duds:
He's tryin' to hide it - but he's a happy camper wearin' the pink duds:
See what I'm sayin? He LOVES wearin' the pink:
Here's the boy refusin' to put on any duds:
Post the puttin' on of the duds:
A bit of the chasin' of Daddy:
After the kid's had almost enough:
Here's some video to support things:

And here Herr Colin is at the end of it:

Thanks for stopping by.
Stay Classy.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


OK - it's been a slow week - not much going on 'round here. This video is the best I can offer.

Normally, the kid is bouncing from one end of the leather sectional couch to the other. In this instance, you have very controlled bouncing:

So there you have it - this week's addition. Hopefully there's more to come this coming week.

One other thing to note - Emma got her first paying job this week. She's working for the Dairy Queen in Cary. Hats off to her - she's become a tax payer now. I am very proud of this fact.

I just hope she doesn't start complaining about Barack TOO much to me. ;-)

For Grandma Warbel

This is a post for Grandma June. There's no Colin in this one. Colinfans might want to skip it. :-)

Every year we go down to where Mollie and her boyfriend Paul live for the 4th of July. It is a neighborhood in Cincinnati called Northside. The houses in Northside were mostly built post-civil war up to the turn of the 20th century. It's a neighborhood that's rich in heritage. In fact, it's one of downtown Cincinnati's very first suburbs; long before cars were dominant.

Anyway - the Northside 4th of July parade has become a Cincinnati institution. Cincy being a reactionary right-wing enclave, the Northside 4th of July parade is the one place where Cincinnati is willing to let her freak flag fly a little bit.

In other words - it's an absolute blast and something not to be missed. Colin's been several times - and he always has a gas. One of the staples of the Northside parade is the Lawnchair Ladies. It's a precision drill team comprised of ladies and their lawnchairs.

We mentioned the Lawnchair Ladies to June this year and she'd asked to see some of the Ladies in action. A day late and a dollar short, here's some video that Paul shot of this year's performance, by request for June:

Here's some older video of the brigade in action on a somewhat dryer 4th:

And that's a little flavor of Cincinnati letting her hair down. Hope you enjoyed it.

If you find yourself in Cincy on the 4th, ask 'em to take you to Northside - it's the only place to be!