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Well, since Emma's moved back to Ohio, we've been busier than a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest.
Fortunately, we've captured quite a few photos, and these are just from my camera. Emma's been snapping more pictures that we can keep up with, so I'll have even more stuff to offer.
First up, Colin finally got his big boy bed two weeks ago. We did some rearranging as a result. He loves the new bed, and actually, you know, stays in it each night, so bonus.
Mary bought the boy a Lightning McQueen umbrella a few weeks back. Here's some of the shots of that night:
Grandma Sammie sent Colin and Emma some presents last week - the boy's going over his haul:

Emma and Colin, just goofin'

Grandpa Ferrigan came to town on Thursday, so Friday night we went down to Northside and had dinner with Mollie, Paul and Ruby at Boswell Alley:

And here's a little video to go along with things. First up, my children - behaving like my children:
Sorry gang, a whole lot of nothing going on lately. We did the Carew Climb again this year two weekends ago, but we realized that the battery in the camera was dead after we got there, so no shots from that . . .
Last weekend Mary and Colin went to Wolf Run to visit with Yonk, June and Auntie Judy - but no pix from that . . .
Sister Emma is coming to live with us tomorrow, so we might ramp up the photos in the coming weeks . . .
'til then - here are some of the outtakes from the previous several weeks. He's decided that he doesn't like having his picture taken lately for some reason . . .
I asked him to smile in the shot below. Here's what he did:
Chip off the old block, that one. He finally smiled this evening, and he was out of frame, natch:
Best shot of the lot, which isn't saying much, as you can see: