So we took the kids to the portrait studio yesterday, and they had a blast. These are just a few of the 108 shots that they ended up taking. I think they did a really good job. This place up in one of the strip malls did an hour shoot, took muliple poses and props, printed the ones we wanted immediately and gave us a CD with all the pix for $100. Not bad.
This first pose was the last picture of the day, and the pose was Emma's idea: This was one I wanted. Colin's touching Emma's new nose ring.
The photographer really got the boy to ham it up.
This shot is for Grandpa Ferrigan:
Good ones of Emma too:
The group ones were good as well.
I'll try and get the rest of them up on Flickr later this week. Hope you enjoy them as much as we did!
Sorry gang - we've been busy - haven't done a posting in a reasonable amount of time. Here's a few things to tide you over. I've got more pix from Colin's first bowling experience on the way as well . . .
First up - the weather's getting better, so we've busted out the swimming pool toys . . .
He's playing coy for some reason.
The one good shot of Grandpa Ferrigan with the kids:
Colin 'helped' Emma clean her room recently, to hilarious results:
I've got some video to put up from the cleaning experience - have it up later this week . . .