As I mentioned on Friday, we spent the weekend in Wolf Run. Everyone had a grand time.
Here is Baba's barn these days, as seen from Yonk's porch : "West Virginia Cole Slaw indeed!"
Colin loves his grammy Juney - he smiles for her like none.

Granted, tho, Jr loves his mommy as well.....

Here he is with cousin Meghan, sportin' the Scarlet and Grey.
Cousin Mikey is preparing to be a Buckeye speedster . . .
Hold on, Jr, we've got something important for you.
Coach Tress, here's your Middle Linebacker, 2025 - 2029. Perhaps 4 National Titles?

Cousin Mikey passes along the tradition.
Now, the management at is firmly Union, but apparently, cousin Mikey deludes himself with fantasies that the South might rise at some point in the next several years. Clearly, he's sadly mistaken . . . . .
----End the above post for various Ferrigans, and friends of Ferrigan ------
---- Begin the post for the remaining Warbels, Kochans, Spohnhalz's, and various other hunkies, semi-kraut/hunkies, and various former Wolf Run denizens. ---
Colin had his first Sunday at All Saints this morning.
Sadly, the Priest was not in town, so it was a short service this morning. But, he enjoyed the singing and the reading, and he met all the wonderful perishoners, and even gave his opinion on the Creed, considering that he was quiet for the majority of the service. As y'all would expect, everyone was wonderful, and glad to see young Colin. Bob and Tootie Wagoner were SO glad to see him! Here he is in his Sunday finest:

Finally, in order to go to Wolf Run, we had to bring the dogs. Here's Olive from the very back of the Outlander, checking out Herr Colin:

'sall . . .'til next time . . .
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