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T - GATE '06 PIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, just got an e-mail from Cousin Tonya about pix from T-Gate '06. Here's a few of those that made me laugh.
For those not in the know, T-Gate is Tonya's bi-annual Ohio State/ Illinois tailgate in Champoo-Banana, Illinois. We're expecting about 2,300 in '08.
These are in no semblance of logical order - here's Ben, T, and Anthony, on the "Greatest Day of His Life".
Ben, wishing that our child is a masculine child. Clearly, he's got the touch.
Mary, with Jan Gregor (I think).
Me, before the kegstand.
Me, right after my weak kegstand.
T, Jeep Kochan, and Illibuck Trophy. Mollie's in the background, acting a fool.
Ben, Illibuck, T, Mollie and Murray there in the background.
Mollie and Stacey playin' cornhole - Memorial Stadium is there to the right.
Jeep, Ben and T in the stands at Memorial Stadium after the narrow Buckeye victory. 
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