Tuesday, April 15, 2008

This is going to be bad news for the Democrats.

It's a new week, time for at least one post. Would have done it last night, but I waited 'til the last possible minute to do our taxes.

Jr's been very chatty lately - tried to capture some of it in the video at the end. He's also been back to himself - just smiley and rambunctuous. Crawling EVERYWHERE. Getting into EVERYTHING he can. On Sunday evening, we happened to be watching Return of the Jedi, and he was especially happy:
Yes, I know. We're geeks.
Grandpa Warbel picked up the spiffy duds.
I can't really explain the hair, other than to say - he's not gettin' it cut 'til it's a fully flowing mullet. Just like papa.
He agrees:
We actually had a bit of warm weather last week, so Colin got to display some of his summer habillement:
Quite fetching. You can see he's got no interest in pleasing his public. Just gets tired of the flash goin' off all the time.
The obligatory shots of food on the punum. Don't know how to describe this one below. Such an odd look. Somewhere between suave and sleepy, no?
Not only will the kid not always cooperate by staying in focus, but Olive was just not playin' ball tonight either. Tried to show her 'cleaning up' after Jr'd eaten. Her snout goes all the way under the top of the high chair there.
Then she sticks the snout over the armrests. Again, I was too slow.
Got a few quick flicks as well. First up, some of Colin being all Chatty Cathy:

Next, as I said - he was gacked while we watched Return on Sunday. Here he is laughing and playing peekaboo, sorta:

'sall fer now, folks. Thanks for stopping by.

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