OK, yes - it's been two weeks. Apologies. I was in Chicago most of last week.
The latest is that Colin has begun walking, and he turned One this week. Hooray. Oh, that and the damn Red Wings won yet another Stanley Cup. Dammit. Yeah, and that Obama character won the nomination. Finally. I will claim a bit of credit on the latter - when he gave that speech in '04, I told Mary that he'd be president one day. Didn't think it would be '08, but I'll take it. (Sorry that he 'won't wear a lapel pin', T . . . ). As they said at Sadly No!, "get ready for reparations camps, crackers!"
Anyway, on with teh cuteness. First up - a few shots from Jon 'n Donna's deck. Jon bottled his own brew- we went up to capture the first tapping.

On to the pix from The Little Gym. For those not in the know, Colin goes to The Little Gym on Saturdays, and learns about tumbling, walking, and bubbles . . .

I got him the t-shirt in Chitown.

Teh walking Colin . . .

He's underneath the parachute in these shots.

Now he's on top of the parachute.

Christ, that guy on the right is an ugly somnabeoch.

Right before I took that shot, he was walking on the balance beam - honest. Can anyone say 'nutcracker'?

He can hold himself up on the bar - the boy is STRONG!

This is the tumbling part of the festivities -he learns how to do a turnover, er . . . whatever they call it.

More standing on his own.

I'm pretty certain he got the behavior below from the Ferrigan side of the house. No self-respecting Warbel would ever do THIS in public:

On to the birthday party. Colin had a wonderful time. Thank you all for coming, and to all who sent tha mad prezents. He's still overwhelmed. Here he is with his kiddie cake. (The baseball is an homage to his grandfather; if Daddy actually had a say, it would have been a football . . .)

Above - Colin Walks!
Next, Colin rocks da party.
Here's Colin enjoying his birthday cake.
Grandpa Ferrigan swipes teh boy's toes.
Finally, Daddy gets in on the tickling action.
That's all for now. Big week for the boy. Sorry for missing a week. More to come later, after our visit to Alabama this coming weekend.
Thanks for stopping by! Stay classy.
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