And don't you know, it got too hot and Jr's outbreak of poison ivy necessitated a trip to the ER. So I didn't get to go to the best record store in Cincy. . . AT ALL. So I still have a gift certificate burnin' a hole in my pocket to this very day. (I'm plannin' on buyin' the following albums:
Hawkwind, "Space Ritual"
UFO, "Lights Out"
Uriah Heep, "Demons and Wizards"
Motorhead, "Iron Fist"
...and who knows what else.)
Anyway, we did manage to get a few great snaps of the cuteness - which is why most people come by this blog anyway, not to hear about my impending CD purchases. So, without further adieu, on with the cuteness...

So there you go, Aunties - a rare Friday post of up-to-date pictures. I hope the rest of your Friday is wonderful!!!! :-)
Seeyouse. Stay classy.
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