Friday, October 30, 2009

More Fall in Ohio

Here's a few pix from "Fall in Ohio" that we've recently taken:
Above: Uncle Paul helps Colin feed the goats.
Above: Colin surveys the pumpkin patch.
Above: Ruby and Uncle Paul at the pumpkin patch.
Above: the petting zoo after the feed.
Above: Uncle Paul passes out the feed.
Above: Colin tryin' to ride Olive.
More feedin' of the goats.
Ruby and Colin and the geraniums.
Above: Colin and Kelson and the leaves from our trees.
Colin, pre-flight.
Colin and Kelson in the pile.
Colin in the pile while Dan looks on.
More Colin riding Olive.
Waitin' for the pile to clear.
Everyone in the pile.
Colin in the midst of the pile.

Some video:

And a bit more:

Video from "Vacation"

Here's a bit of video from the beach:

Pt II:

Yet more:

Here the boy is enjoyin' a cone:

Here's some video from the aquarium:


More still:

Last of this series:

More to come, colinferriganpalooza fans, honest . . .

Colin goes to the beach

So we went to Charleston for a few days a few weeks back. Colin got to see Grandpa and Grandma Ferrigan for the first time in a while; he went to the beach for the first time; everyone had a grand time.

Click here for more from the adventure!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall in Ohio

Just got done listening to the new Chocolate Horse album . . .amazing.

Pic below captures Fall '09 like no other. Enjoy:

Late Sucker Post

Best part about this post - every picture contains Mary Ann's "40 Sucks" sucker . ..

A bit of the more to come

K - we know we're way overdue for new Colin-related-content. Many apologies. Here's a slight teaser. We're just organizing the latest pix . . . .

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Several Days late and many dollars short

Sorry, y'all - we went from 'vacation' to Daddy traveling to Lincoln, NE with no gaps. Here's a picture from Grandpa Ferrigan to tide you over 'til we get back into Cincy. We have great pictures of Colin @ the beach that will be forthcoming, primise. The picture above is Colin showing off the penguin or "pengin" that we bought for him at the Charleston Aquarium.

He had a ball.

More pictures to come, when I return from Lincoln, honest . . .

Thanks for stopping by. Stay classy.