Friday, October 30, 2009

More Fall in Ohio

Here's a few pix from "Fall in Ohio" that we've recently taken:
Above: Uncle Paul helps Colin feed the goats.
Above: Colin surveys the pumpkin patch.
Above: Ruby and Uncle Paul at the pumpkin patch.
Above: the petting zoo after the feed.
Above: Uncle Paul passes out the feed.
Above: Colin tryin' to ride Olive.
More feedin' of the goats.
Ruby and Colin and the geraniums.
Above: Colin and Kelson and the leaves from our trees.
Colin, pre-flight.
Colin and Kelson in the pile.
Colin in the pile while Dan looks on.
More Colin riding Olive.
Waitin' for the pile to clear.
Everyone in the pile.
Colin in the midst of the pile.

Some video:

And a bit more:

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