Thursday, November 19, 2009


Well, y'all - there's not been a heck of a lot going on lately. Mary's been fighting allergies, the Bucks have been through a heck of a season, the Canes are the worst team in the NHL, and we've been doing a whole lot of nothing lately.

It's been so bad that we've not really had anything to take pictures of recently, sad to say.

Here's Colin playing with a toy Mary brought back from a business trip she had to Philly a few weeks back:

The one sad thing to report is that the boy discovered Barney. He sings the song and whatnot:

While it's albeit cute, doesn't it just have a whiff of antichrist and brimstone?


I'd thought I'd paid my penance the first time around.

On the upside - we were told at school that he's the class enforcer - makes sure all the other kids stay in line. Good to know. This kid will be calling defenses in Ohio Stadium some day - mark my words.

We'll have more after the weekend - it's H8Michigan week . . .

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