Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tres, Troi, Drei

So, these are probably out of order, but Colin turned three yesterday, and here's some pix and video from the occasion:

First up, later in the evening, Colin's playing with his slot car track:
Another shot of Colin with his track:
We all had hot dogs and Mac 'n Cheese in honor of his birthday.
And here he is eating some of his chocolate cake:
Here's his Lightning McQueen cake for his party:
Rockin' the partay:
Srsly enjoying the turning to drei:
And here he is with a present from Grandma and Grandpa Warbel:
Thank you, Grammie and Grandpa!
Here's some video:

Part Deux, wherin we see the slot car track and how fat Daddy is:

Here's Colin enjoying some b-day cake:

Lastly, opening a present from sister Emma:

Much more to come later.

Thanks for stopping by. Stay classy.

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