Anyway, after I was done trying to cut Jr's finger off, we had a visit from Cousin Tonya, famed thrower of Ohio State / Illinios tailgates, noted Buckeye enthusiast, and apparent Parrothead. She was in the 'nati for Buffet Week, and finally got to see Colin.
Another great shot of Dad's mastery with band-aids.
Thank you for everything, T! She got Colin the coolest book about Matroyshkas, the Ohio State stroller (see below), and brought an Ohio State windsuit for Jr from Deke and Brad (Thank You, Deke and Brad!) that should be fitting him in another couple of months. Clearly, the boy's gonna be ready for his first tailgate.
In other exciting Colin news, today Colin is seven weeks old. He's celebrating by donning some bib overalls, and just chillin'.Grandpa Ferrigan comes into town tomorrow, after touring up around the Great Lakes, and out through the Dakotas, and Wyoming, into Yellowstone. Pix should be fun. And then next Friday, Emma comes in for a visit, so clearly, Mr. Colin's calendar is very, very full.
Friday Random 11 (Part of the management team here at colinferrigan.blogspot.com is less than enamored with this regular feature . . . for now, it stays!)
1) "Love Without Anger" - Devo
2) "Give It Up or Turnit a Loose" - James Brown
3) "Can't Hardly Wait" - The Replacements
4) "What's Going On" - Husker Du
5) "Brave New World" - Iron Maiden
6) "Going Away To College" - Blink 182
7) "Let's Have A War" - A Perfect Circle
8) "Creatures of the Night" - Kiss
9) "Make Your Move" - Kick Axe (Regina, SK's greatest band, EVAR!!!!!)
10) "This Is Where" - Madness
11) "Too Long" - fIREHOSE
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