Without further adieu, here's the thing that keeps y'all checking in every Friday:

In this week's edition, he's either thinking real hard of a number between 1 and 100, warming up to use his mad psychic skillz, or preparing to part the Red Sea. Either way, he's sleeping, we're blogging, hence, sleepblogging.
Next up are some shots of Emma's first meeting with her brother at the airport. It was love at first sight (right before I made her change a diaper).
Kidding - I waited.

Notice Olive hornin' in on the action:

The other development this week is that he's REALLY begun to smile - A LOT. Funny thing is, if he's in the midst of a real happy period, and I drag out either the camera or the camcorder, he goes mum. Clams up like Alberto Gonzales on the stand. I managed to get these two - but they're not really representative, sadly.

In other developments, I picked the boy up a new super-phantasmagorical, must-have toy, the Baby Einstein "Exersaucer", pictured below. When we were up at Mary's cousin's house a few weeks ago, their son Lucas loved his, so we figured Colin has to have one. He's a bit too small for it just yet, but in another couple of weeks - it's gonna be Exersaucer city, baby.

Finally, Mary's favorite tradition here at colinferrigan.blogspot.com, Friday Random 11. Let's see if we can keep it mostly respectable again this week. I finally uploaded a bunch of songs from Tonya's iPod, so the chances are fairly good:
1) "Back in Black" - AC/DC
2) "Paralysed" - Gang of Four
3) "Only" - Anthrax
4) "Foxey Lady" - Jimi Hendrix
5) "Positively 4th Street" - Bob Dylan
6) "Fooligan" - Diesel Boy
7) "Talkback" - Stiff Little Fingers
8) "Signs" - Tesla
9) "Crystal Wrists" - Peter Murphy
10) "No Class" - Motorhead
11) "I AM A BUCKEYE FAN" - Sleepy Rappers
So there you have it. T - you made it in there three times. Not bad. Until next week . . . .
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