Well, nearly another week, and no pictures of Jr. sleeping. We really are falling down on the job, and nearly driving traffic away, aren't we? At least we have a good excuse this time. The galloping epizudic crept through our house, Mary had it for a while, I've had it nearly every night this week, and it seems that Colin has a little bout of it as well, sadly.In the biggest news of the week, we've begun preliminary experiments with solid food on Mr. Man, and he's enjoyed it. Got it almost right out of the chute. The only downside is that the batteries on the 'ol camera were shot, so I have no pix to pass along. I'm sure I'll get some in the next couple of days - mostly just his smiling mein covered with rice meal - but fun nonetheless. In the meantime, here are a couple of shots that he'll be angry at me about a few years down the line, but are cute as hell:
His future girlfriends / wife will think they're adorable, won't they?
Here he is in Teh Cow after the above bath.

After he got out, Mommy dressed him up in his Reds duds (and given where they are in the fixtures, and the fact that Griffey's out for the remainder of the season, we can start that standard line of Cincinnati reasoning, "Wait 'til next year."). We set him up in front of the Miami (FL.) / Texas A&M tilt, and he was enjoying it.

So, I will try to get something up tomorrow for Random 11 / sleepblogging, but no promises. After all, tomorrow is our fifth Birthversiary. That's right, Mary's put up with me in a Church/State sanctioned union for five years tomorrow. Hard to believe it. And, Mary will be celebrating another 29th birthday. I got her some killer presents, so she'll be happy.
'til later . . . Seeyouse!
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