On our way home, Mommy decided to give Jr one of those fruit-filled granola bars. By himself. THE WHOLE THING. I was a bit late to the party with the camera, but dude was COVERED in raspberry 'fruit' and granola and other yeeeccchhhh stuff. Was awful.
You can sorta see it there on his outstretched arm. Was EVERYWHERE. As an (obvious) aside, can you guess who was getting chewed out for "TAKING PICTURES WHILE I'M TRYING TO CLEAN UP THIS MESS?!?!??!?!?!"?
He thought it was funny too, so pppphhhhhppppttttt.
Well, after Mommy got done with the wipes, that is.
So Jr. crapped out about midnight Saturday night, and we'd only made it to the TN / KY border. We had to find a hotel and stay the night. Mother's Day was spent in the car. Joy and rapture. We stopped off for lunch, and Jr. got his first sucker.
Why he's wearing that bib on Mother's Day eludes me.
Mmmmm nummy sucker.

So there you go. A week(end) in the life of Colin. I do have one video to post. As you might remember from last week's episode, he's eeking ever closer to walking. In tonight's video, you can see the progression here where he stands independently for a moment or two:
I'll leave you with a discussion topic. Mary Ann contends that Anchorman is Will Ferrell's worst movie. I think it's his best (Old School doesn't count - he was in it, but it's not a Will Ferrell movie). Thoughts?
One other thing - I promised pix of Mary Ann's Mother's Day gift, but I've gotten no pix of it. Go to www.helmetpurse.com and you can see 'em for yourself. Go Bucks, thanks for stopping by, and you stay classy . . .
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