Anyway - on to the cuteness.
First up, Colin shows a bit of his newfound love of the outdoors. We had a shindig at the house last weekend, and he stood outside in his cage for several hours and just enjoyed the nice weather. Some evenings I can get him to sit still in my lap on the front porch and watch the dogs cavort and the birds tweet. Amazing.

Ouch. Well, we're proud as hell either way.
Next, in a quite exciting development, Mr. Curiosity has begun walking. Sorta. Just look at the video and you'll see what I mean.
More walking goodness:
So there you have it. Sorry it was so long in the coming - hope it was worth the wait. I should be more punctual with the next post - Mary's Mother's Day present is absolutely hilarious - so we'll have to get some shots of that up.
Thanks for stopping by. You stay classy.
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