The other thing we've been doing is putting the finishing touches on our Hurricanes-themed bathroom. YES, the one that Mary managed to catch on fire. The paint is done, all the fixtures and doors are in place. The last remaining piece is the Hurricanes border that needs to go up, as well as a few autographed pictures of Cam Ward and Rod Brind'Amour. Pix forthcoming. ('cuz let's face it, what's more exciting than a NHL-themed bathroom?)
We did go out and buy a swingset for Jr. last Saturday (3/21), but pix for that are not going up 'til the whole pile of tinder is completed, which won't happen 'til I'm done assembling the clusterf*ck, which won't be 'til this weekend, weather permitting. Alls I can say is we put away more than a case of beer during the first half - and it's still standing so far. Cheers.
The only other thing worth mentioning is that they took 'old timey' pictures of Jr at school, in part of a money making scheme for the school, and those pix won't be ready 'til the weekend. The kid looks like the perfect little cossack. Or potato farmer. Either way - he looks like a good little peasant. We'll all be incredibly proud. Especially when he breaks out of his socio-economic strata to become the first ever Mc/Hunkie president.
SO, alls we got is pix of Jr's first trip to the aquarium, which took place on 3/14. The story behid these pix is really simple. Considering nearly all regular visitors here are familiar with Ohio winters, I don't have to explain trying to find a bit of color in the midst of all the fu*kin' grey that makes up our winters, amiright? We needed something to do for the boy that would be entertaining and might ultimately lead to a powernap. So, Mary and I looked at one another and said, "Newport Aquarium!!" at the same time. The pix below are the result of this brainstorm.
Here's the boy on the way to the Aquarium. He's holding a "Thomas the Tank Engine" figure there - his new favorite toy.

This snapping turtle, pictured below, is larger than a manhole cover, and has to be over 100 years old. One of the biggest attractions at the entire aquarium. To add to the mystique, he's underwater in this picture, honest:

I do hope that socialism is treating everyone ok. This free healthcare and retirement has been awesome for us.
Aside from the crippling healthcare costs and increasingly reduced prospects of ever retiring, that is. Other than that, being a 'socialist' is awesome. Uhmerika Uber Alles! You stay classy, people.
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