Thursday, March 12, 2009

Where does the time go?

Seriously. I woke up early today and said to myself, "Self, time for a blog post. It's been entirely too long." Let's face it, if this was one of those Twitter thingies, it would have withered on the vine long ago. And no, that won't be the next step in the ever-expanding colinferriganpalooza empire. Twitter, that is. Honestly - who would find pithy little entries like this interesting:

3/5/2009, 2:58:04 PM EST - Colin just had some apple juice.

3/5/2009, 4:35:09 PM EST - Colin just had a few crackers. Isn't it funny the messes kids make?

Yeah, count us out on that one. I already have a hard enough time keeping this blog the vibrant community it is. 'course, being the Luddite that I am, I'm sure that there's some hot new technology that's made Twitter passe already.

At the rate we're going, I doubt we could get one of those "Year in Review Christmas Cards" together. And you just KNOW how much everyone LOVES to receive those . . .
Enough of my yammering - on with the cuteness.
Believe it or not, our local NHL franchise stands a good chance of making the playoffs for the first time in their history this year. Good news. I'm heading up with the boys for the game on Sunday - vs. Detroit. Go Jackets.
These two are the boy from his morning perch. He's been going through a cantankerous bastar . . . er, grumpy phase lately.
Finally, Mommy does a lot of hair sculpting every morning so that he looks impeccable. Or like one of those kids that models clothes for the Sunday Target insert in the paper. If it were up to me, he'd have a ballcap planted on that melon every morning. Alas, he won't have any of that.
On to the videotape. I think I've mentioned that he is a regular Chatty Cathy. If not - he is. All the time. I managed to catch him reading - two different angles. The second one is not all that more riveting than the first - but I just love the way he scratches his head while he gathers it all in.

Part dos:

Finally, a video I call "Banana Tiger". Kind of explains itself. Just watch the video:
Not quite "Salsa Shark", but close. It's the ONLY way I can get him to eat an entire banana. If I just say, "here, eat a banana." He reneges every time. However, if I make a fool of myself, growling like a tiger - well, naturally, he's all over that. These are the small joys of parenting though, aren't they?
Thanks for stopping by. Stay classy.

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