Just like Phil said in that lame 80's song, everything you've read on has been A PACK OF LIES. The management apologizes.
Turns out Teh Froggy is not Teh Froggy AT ALL. In fact, Teh Froggy is TEH ALLIGATOR. Gawd*%&%$***#**##.
Sunamabawchez at Target LIED. TEH FROGGY != TEH ALLIGATOR.
SO, in the previous posts where Herr Colin was presented in "Teh Froggy", he was, in fact, in "Teh Alligator". I think we need to revisit our Middle East policy, and perhaps, begin carpetbombing every Target in existence. Republicans! This is your call to greatness! DEFEND COLINFERRIGAN.BLOGSPOT.COM, by calling that guy that you voted for, and DEMAND WE BEGIN DEFENDING OUR BODILY FLUIDS, by carpetbombing every Target on the planet. I mean, it seems the only rational reaction to this HEINOUS LIE. Surely, Target is harboring WMD's or something?
SO, to review, Teh Froggy != Teh Aligator; Bomb all Targets; BODILY FLUIDS; If every Target is not bombed, the terrorists have won. The management thanks you.
To assuage those of us of weaker constitutions, here are pictures of Herr Colin in what I WAS ASSURED IS "Teh Hippo". This, CLEARLY, is a hippo. Anyone who would argue otherwise either hates America, or is a likely Kucinich voter.
Honestly, it's a Hippo. Still, a red-blooded, American Hippo.
Even Rush Limbaugh, after a MASSIVE dose of Oxycontin, would clearly see that this is "TEH HIPPO".
Unless you're some kind of Communist / Kucinich voter, CLEARLY, the boy is in some kind of Hippo-Related-Activities Device. Case Closed. Slam Dunk. On to the RIGHTEOUS CARPETBOMBIN' OF Every Target in The World!
So, someone in the picture below deposited a load in their drawers as the shutter closed . . . can you guess which one? Thank you, "unca Jason" for that awesome Black Flag t-shirt. (He's wearing it on Sunday, for all to see . . . ) The management thought you would like that. Lo and behold, you do:
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