Colin Ferrigan.
A boy's first Iron Maiden t-shirt
A proud moment for Dad.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Somebody Get Jim Tressel on the horn . . . NOW
9 lbs. 4 oz.
Hooves like Shaq.
Ladies and Gentlemen, COLIN NICHOLAS FERRIGAN! That one above is the first picture I snapped - they were showing him to momma right after he came out.
Lots more to come later, promise . . . .
1 comment:
Dear Baby Brother, i love you!! ahaha HA. i can not wait to see you when i get home from raleigh. we are going to have the best of times. i will teach you my star moves in the b-ball court. i hope you learn how to do other sports to but i have MAINLY desiced that you NEED TO LEARN BASKETBALL. also my mom says that you and daddy look just like when daddy was holding me i hope when you grow up you look like me becuase you know i have the best genes in the fam. ALSO!!!!! When you groe ip i bet you will get the ladies. hahaha. i lov you bro... Love ur BIG sis, emma catheirne ferrigan.
1 comment:
Dear Baby Brother,
i love you!!
ahaha HA.
i can not wait to see you when i get home from raleigh.
we are going to have the best of times.
i will teach you my star moves in the b-ball court.
i hope you learn how to do other sports to but i have MAINLY desiced that you NEED TO LEARN BASKETBALL.
also my mom says that you and daddy look just like when daddy was holding me i hope when you grow up you look like me becuase you know i have the best genes in the fam.
When you groe ip i bet you will get the ladies.
i lov you bro...
Love ur BIG sis,
emma catheirne ferrigan.
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